

Jumat, 02 Oktober 2009

Juventus Tertarik Boyong Javier Saviola

Juventus Tertarik Boyong Javier Saviola

Usai mengalahkan Internazionale Milan di akhir pekan ini, Juventus mengutarakan minatnya kedua kalinya untuk memboyong ujung tombak Real Madrid Javier Saviola, yang notabene telah dimasukkan ke dalam daftar jual klub.

Meski demikian tim asuhan Claudio Ranieri itu mengaku
siap memboyongnya di musim panas mendatang. Dengan demikian apabila
berhasil, maka Juve tidak perlu mengeluarkan uang sepeser pun untuk
merekrut Saviola. Penyerang berusia 27 tahun itu tiba di Bernabeu pada
musim panas lalu dengan harapan dapat merubah status cadangannya yang
kerap kali menghinggapinya kala masih membela panji Barcelona. Kendati
demikian nampaknya awan kelabu masih belum ingin pergi dari Saviola,
yang kini siap dilego oleh tim asuhan Bernd Schuster tersebut.
Mendengar kabar tersebut tentu saja memicu Juventus untuk bertarung
dengan waktu, setelah pemain incarannya Diego Ribas da Cunha, konon
juga tengah diincar oleh Real Madrid. Meski demikian Diego justru telah
meluncurkan niatannya yang lebih tertarik ke Real Madrid ketimbang
Juve. Apabila Saviola jadi pindah ke Turin, maka El Conejito akan dihargai sebesar 4.5 juta euro.



For fans of the cartoon movie about already know yet how the history of cartoons?. Before the cartoon is known, there are only cartoons. The word comes from English cartoon cartoon or in Italian, cartone which means thick paper. Originally cartoon refers to the understanding of drawing plan, in the fine arts cartoon or sketch a rough picture of the beginning in a large canvas or on walls in buildings of architectural decoration such as mosaic, glass and fresco (Marianto in Indarto, 1999:13). Evidence has been found arkeoleogis cartoons or caricatures have been found on the walls and flower vase in ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece (Digest, January 1992).

Renaissance ie, in the 16th century,, Michelangelo Buo narotti use cartoons in doing karyafresco about the story of human creation is very well known and until now can be seen in the Sistine Chapel. (Marianto in Indarto, 1999:13). Leonardo da Vinci in his work entitled The Virgin and Child with St. And St. Anne. John the Baptist, is a cartoon created by Leonardo da Vinci in the original meaning. A cartoon drawn by a full size on paper as studies for further processing sebauh works of art, like painting or tapestry. World-class collection of cartoons by Peter Paul Rubens for a large tapestry of a collection of John and Mable Ringling can be seen in the Museum of Art in Sarasota, Florida (

Father of modern cartoon is an artist who came from France, Honore Daumier (1830-1870). He mengkartunkan the leaders of France for French newspapers and magazines, was even jailed in 1832 for King Louis Philippe mengkarikatur (Digest, January 1992).

1843 was a period in which the presence of cartoons begin to be considered its existence, in that year held a major exhibition and cartoon competitions initiated by Prince Albert, husband of Queen Victoria of England.

Cartoon, entitled Substance and Shadow by John Leech is a satire that was prepared for the construction of fresco in the New Palace of Westminster (1843), and then made the modern sense of the word "cartoon" in modern print media, cartoon illustrations are usually aimed at humor. Fresco is the art of drawing itself in the glass
with beautiful colors and illustrates a legend or myth in European society. This concept began to be used than in 1843 when majalahPunch apply the term to satirical drawings in one of the pages, particularly sketches made by John Leech. Early parody of a cartoon seen padafresco in new historic palace of Westminster. The original title for the image created by the carpenters pencil (illustrator) majalahPunch and new title "cartoon" was intended for something that is ironic, with reference to the attitude of politicians enriching themselves from the west.

In 1900 an editorial cartoonist, Sir David Law from New Zealand to make the character on himself "Colonel blimp", ie a reactionary old military figure. Low start a career as a cartoonist in 1914 and in 1919, he moved to England. Associated with the development of cartoons in chronological order, the year 1930-1940 is the popularity of comic books, while the 1935 to 1945 (post-World War II) is the popularity of comics humor.

Technical past in publishing the cartoons (before the development of printing and color separation) is the manual way in which cartoonists draw directly on the block kayu4 box, after the drawing must be in pencil or pen, then carve it as a line engraver graffiti. This process takes approximately 24 hours. The continued development of printing techniques cartoon-making process becomes more effective and efficient even more so after the development of digital techniques.

Along with the progress of the time of the cartoonists make innovations on the cartoons, which later led to the cartoon. Early emergence of cartoons as cartoons that move spearheaded by a cartoon with a horse that was produced from images that created by Edweard Muybridge in the 19th century. Simple picture was between comic strips and early animated films. 'Cartoons' refers to the animation, where the term has become something common in subsequent development.

Cartoon can be seen on television screens or in the cinema and created by showing illustrated images created as if it could move. The word cartoon (cartoon), usually shortened to toon, it was popularized by the movie, starring Rogger Rabbit. Cartoons mostly into consumption program that includes children's fable the story, super human, adventure and the kind of cartoon theme to another.